Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thanks to Christopher R.!

Danny V. and Christopher R.:

Nicole F. and Evan L.:

Jessica P., Gemma B., Ryan W. and Elizabeth H.:

Jessica P., Cheryl B., Ryan W. & Jessica T.:

We hear that Cassie has a bunch of pictures that are still trapped on her camera so cross your fingers that she shares them soon!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More Pictures!

These are in reverse order because the more I monkey with the HTML, the more jacked up the layout gets. I'd apologize for my not-so-mad skillz but instead I'll just blame it on the fact that HTML didn't even exist when I knew all the people in the pictures. SO THERE.


Special thanks to Najah F. for letting me share her pictures!

And now, I present to you, the only picture we've posted from the picnic, starring Nicole F., Najah F. and Ryan W.:

It was SO HOT.


It was SO HOT that the balloons started spontaneously popping and scaring the small children. I'm no balloonologist and I don't know what the popping temperature of a balloon is, but speaking as a layperson, I can tell you that it's TOTALLY FREAKING HOT.

And yet, Nicole, Najah and Ryan look as cool as cucumbers.

Picnic pictures, CHECK!

Chris L., Sarah W. and Cassie S.:

Najah F. and Stephanie D.:

Erica C., Erica C.'s boyfriend and Danny V.:

Robin D. and Christopher R.:

A little bird told me that Cassie might have a bunch of pictures I can steal so cross your fingers for another photo update.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I know you do!

Lucky for you, Andrea and Joanne are lovely people who have agreed to let me share their mad photography skills. We've been harrassing other people with pictures to let us post them here so this might not be the ONLY picture post but we'll see...



Wanna see it big?

Click HERE.

(Note: Depending on your browser settings, you might have to hover your mouse over it and click on the little box that appears in the lower right hand corner.)


Joanne? A ham? Who would have thought?

And's bigger HERE.

But okay now you're all looking at these and thinking that you're afraid to scroll down for fear that you'll encounter links to giant-sized pictures of your face after a couple of cocktails in 90 degree heat.

Am I right?

Don't worry Lions. I've got your back.

I'm sharing the life-sized versions of those because your heads were all so teeny small in the regular sized pictures...except for mine, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm self-centered and my eyeballs go STRAIGHT to myself or if I just have a really big head. Both are equally unflattering, but probably also true.

But blah blah blah. On to the candids!

Sarah W., Kate H., Ben H., Cassie S. and Michele B.:

Nicole F., Joanne E, & Najah F.:

Dayna L., Joanne E., Raylene G. & Elizabeth P.:

Joanne (and her mouth, which she'll tell you was a theme that ran throughout her pictures), Vanessa S. and Phillip B.:

Joanne, Andrea D., Cassie S. and Elizabeth H.:

Joanne, Danny V. and someone whose entire face didn't seem to make the cut:

Sarah H., Kelley J. and Vanessa S.:

So there you have it: Proof that we are reunited.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Well that wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.

I'm speaking for myself here but:

1. I'll take it a step beyond "less painful than expected" and say that it was actually 100 times better than I'd hoped. The best part is that I don't even think that's just in my own head -- I think the "I really wasn't expecting this to be as great as it was but I am SO GLAD I went!" sentiment is shared by many.

2. Everyone looked REALLY GOOD. Like polished, grown-up versions of their teenage selves.

3. Being in a room with all these familiar faces seemed soooo normal but also soooo surreal.

4. Maybe the people with the funny looking kids skipped the picnic but let me tell you: Lincoln grads make some adorable kids.

5. There was a bachelorette party being held at the same restaurant on Saturday night but we put them to shame. Granted, it looked like the most boring bachelorette party in history, but really, we had a great time.

The bottom line:

I'm glad we didn't have a 5 or 10 year reunion. I'm glad we waited until we all had the easy confidence of being in our thirties and that it was less of a "let me show you how great I'm doing" display and more of a "I'm doing well, I'm happy in my skin, I'm happy to be here and I'm genuinely happy to see you" kind of weekend.

There's a picture post coming tomorrow so WATCH OUT!

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's time ALREADY?

If you've already bought your tickets to Saturday night's cocktail party, then here's the quick and dirty info:

7-10PM on the upstairs patio at:

Loft Bar & Bistro
90 S. Second Street (near San Fernando)


There are several lots in the vicinity, including some with $3 parking after 6PM (look for the orange ones on the map):

If you have not already purchased a ticket to the cocktail party but you still want to get your reunion on, then the picnic on Sunday is the event for you!

More info here:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ready, set, GO!!

Here it is, folks -- the FINAL final list of Lincoln classmates who will be attending the Saturday night festivities. Word on the street is that a gaggle of '95 folks plan to crash the Sunday picnic so come one, come all and let's make it a mid-90's extravaganza!

Jessica T.
Joanne E.
Phillip B.
Stephanie D.
Chris L.
Amy F.
Alison K.
Gemma B.
Kelley J.
Ryan W.
Najah F.
Jessica P.
Mirsada K.
Lindsay M.
Robin D.
Amy S.
Tracie M.
Sarah H.
Raylene G.
Christopher R.
Cristal T.
Dayna L.
Andrea D.
Elizabeth H.
Cassie S.
Sarah W.
Cheryl B.
Kate H.
Michele B.
Ben H.
Erica C.
Evan L.
Danny V.
Nicole F.
Elizabeth P.
Jeremy M.
Katy J. '95!
Andy S. '93!
Dan F.

We're PLEASED AS PUNCH to have all these names on our list and we can't wait to see you all.


OMG what should I wear?

Girl, we don't know either. Flannel and Birkenstocks would be very retro of you but if you haven't looked back on those pictures lately, pssst -- flannel and Birkenstocks? Not particularly flattering.

Unless you're still wearing that uniform in 2009, in which case, YOU LOOK GREAT!

No, seriously -- what should I wear?

We'd say "It's a cocktail party -- dress accordingly" but when we say that our minds go back to the scene in Pretty Woman where Vivian goes shopping for a cocktail dress to wear for her fancy dinner with the ship building people and ends up with something fancy that -- and this part is totally true -- our next door neighbor copied and wore to her prom in 1993.

Basically, what we're saying here is that A) we shouldn't base our reunion ensembles on fash-uns from Julia Roberts movies from the early 1990's and B) we don't really know what you should wear, but if it helps, there are some LBDs* in our future.

*LDB = Little Black Dresses, duh.

Wear what you want. Wear what makes you feel good.

OOH OOH OOH! Wear your Convertibles outfit!! We will TOTALLY buy you a drink if you have the nerve to show up in that sparkly baby blue leotard with the side-of-the-head-hat-like-thing!!!!!


But enough about all that.

You all officially have ONE WEEK to get yourselves to The Loft.

Ready, set, GO!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The *almost* final RSVP list!

Okay Lions here's the latest and greatest RSVP list:

Jessica T.
Joanne E.
Phillip B.
Stephanie D.
Chris L.
Amy F.
Alison K.
Gemma B.
Kelley J.
Ryan W.
Najah F.
Jessica P.
Mirsada K.
Lindsay M.
Robin D.
Amy S.
Tracie M.
Sarah H.
Raylene G.
Christopher R.
Cristal T.
Dayna L.
Andrea D.
Elizabeth H.
Cassie S.
Sarah W.
Cheryl B.
Kate H.
Michele B.
Ben H.
Erica C.
Evan L.
Danny V.
Nicole F.
Elizabeth P.
Jeremy M.

Your BFFs have until the end of today to buy their tickets so this list won't be final until midnight tonight! Or, realistically, first thing tomorrow morning when we check our e-mail for any post-bedtime stragglers and then etch the final list in stone.

We're excited to see so many of you in A WEEK!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Come enjoy nature with us. It's good for you.

We feel bad for the picnic. It's being so easy and well-behaved compared to its twin the cocktail party that we keep forgetting to give it the attention it deserves.

Poor picnic.

When it starts acting out to get our attention we sure will be sorry.

Don't worry picnic, we love you JUST AS MUCH as we love the cocktail party, we swear. We'll buy you a car on your 16th birthday just to prove it.

Ever loving mind: LOST!

Back to the matter at hand: THE PICNIC!

Bring your kids!
Bring your own food!
Bring your own drinks!
Bring your own everything!

Show up at the Rose Garden at 11AM (we'll get there early to stake out a spot -- we're thinking we'll shoot for the picnic tables on the Naglee side) and enjoy some quality time with your fellow Lions.

We've heard from multiple Lions who can't make the Saturday night festivities but who are planning to come to the picnic, so please be sure to be there!

A few notes:

1. Alcohol is not permitted at the Rose Garden but...uh...if you don't blab that there's whiskey in our coffee we won't blab that there's rum in your Diet Coke. Hair of the dog and all...

2. Speaking of dogs, they're not allowed at the Rose Garden either and since they're not as easy to hide, we'd recommend you leave Fido at home.

3. Don't let the BYO-Everything thing deter you! There are plenty of nearby places to grab-and-go your lunch:

Zanotto's is riiiiight up (down?) Naglee at Bascom.

There's a Togo's on The Alameda and Race Street.

There's a Chipotle on The Alameda and Morrison.

Calvin's Cheesesteaks has reopened on The Alameda and Shasta -- just a few doors down from the old location.

Falafel Drive In is still there too -- on Stevens Creek near Bascom.


You won't starve.

So come and not starve with us!

And if you still have Saturday night's mascara smudged under your eyes, we won't judge.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

By Popular Demand!

We've had a few requests to dish the dirt on who has already purchased tickets to the reunion so without further adieu, here are the Lions you can look forward to seeing on June 27th -- BUT ONLY IF YOU BUY YOUR TICKETS BY JUNE 18th.

We're yellers, we know, but it's important.

Anyway, here you go:
(Updated June 14th!)

Jessica T.
Joanne E.
Phillip B.
Stephanie D.
Chris L.
Amy F.
Alison K.
Gemma B.
Kelley J.
Ryan W.
Najah F.
Jessica P.
Mirsada K.
Lindsay M.
Robin D.
Amy S.
Tracie M.
Sarah H.
Raylene G.
Christopher R.
Cristal T.
Dayna L.
Andrea D.
Elizabeth H.
Cassie S.
Sarah W.
Cheryl B.
Kate H.

Plus an assortment of husbands/wives/girlfriends/boyfriends/partners/hot dates/etc. But don't worry -- plenty of us are flying solo so you won't be the only one without a dance partner when Careless Whisper comes on.

Except that A) there won't be dancing and B) Careless Whisper is a bit before our time anyway so don't worry about it.

A few important notes:

1. We used maiden names for the ladies so if, say, Andrea were to be all "WHO THE HECK IS ANDREA D??"" I'd be all "THE CHICK WITH THE WHITE SATIN A'S JACKET, THAT'S WHO!"

More with the yelling.

2. We've personally heard from other people who say that they're gonna buy tickets but just haven't made the magic happen yet. Jeremy M., Nicole F., Ben H., WE'RE LOOKING AT YOU.

3. We discovered that for some reason Reunion Central's mailman was lacking school spirit and wasn't delivering mail addressed to LHS Reunion so, psst, if you got your check returned you might want to just send it to Andrea Bartlinski (aka The Artist Formerly Known as Andrea DeYoung) at the same address just for good measure. A whole gang of checks made their way to Reunion Central without a problem so we dunno what the problem was there.

3a. Hey Andrea, I just said your married and maiden names on the WWW! I'll let you know how many Stalky McStalkersons search for you and find this site!

4. Attn Sheila D.: "I can't go because I'm pregnant" is not an acceptable excuse! At least THREE of the ladies on the RSVP list also have buns in the oven so you'll be in good company!

5. If your BFF 4 --> isn't on the list then please twist some arms for us!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ticket Purchase Deadline: LOOMING

Maaaaaaaan, we suck.

We beg you for money for weeks and weeks and then you finally cough it up and POOF! We disappear.

(OMG we just yawned all big like in our cube and we didn't cover our mouth and someone just walked past and saw the bad manners in action. Our mother would be SO disappointed in us.)

So yeah, we're slackers. And we're tired, it seems.

Maybe we're just storing up the energy so we're ready to PARTAAAY in 25 days!!!

Twenty five days? For reals?


That's not enough time to get rich and good looking so we can show up and be all HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?

Oh well...there's still plenty of time to make up stories about having had invented Post-Its. Except that I guess since Post-Its were already invented when we were in high school we should come up with something a little less conspicuously false.

It does occur to us that just because WE'D have to lie about being super smart inventors, that doesn't mean that Lincoln didn't produce some brainiacs and it's totally possssssssible that a fellow Lion invented hybrid automotive technology or iPhones or the George Foreman Grill. If you did, we promise to believe you.

Just please don't try to lay claim to the Snuggie...that thing is a pop culture static cling nightmare. We'd guess, anyway...we wouldn't be caught dead buying two for $19.99 at Walgreens.

BUT BLAH BLAH BLAH...none of this is the point of our slow-in-coming blog update.

Here's the point:

As of today, you have 16 more days to buy your tickets to the reunion!

Ticket purchase info is linked here but if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fish or Cut Bait

Thanks to everyone who bought their tickets by last month's deadline, we've confirmed that there's enough interest to be able to officially say that YES, our 15th reunion is ON.


So what's next?

If you've already paid for your ticket and you've received a confirmation e-mail from us, you're all set! Just show up at The Loft at 7PM on Saturday, June 27th.

If you have NOT paid for your ticket, YOU'RE IN LUCK! We're extending the ticket purchase deadline to Thursday, June 18th.

But here's the thing: We're not even kidding about that being the deadline. No ifs, ands or butts about it -- we HAVE TO give the restaurant our FINAL headcount on the 19th so the 18th is our official, no bones about it, speak now or forever hold your peace deadline for ticket purchases.

Okay, okay...June 18th...I get it. Where do I send my money?

You still have the two options:

1. Send $50 per person (checks can be made out to either Elizabeth Holt or Sarah Woodside) to:

LHS Reunion
1001 Villa Maria Court
San Jose, CA 95125

2. PayPal $52 per person (the extra $2 covers the fees) to

What does that $50 buy me?

The ticket price includes an appetizer buffet and one drink ticket. AND the pleasure of our company and all.

Sheesh...that's kinda spendy, isn't it?

We double dog dare you to find something better. And when you do, we're nominating you for the 20th reunion committee.

READY, SET, GO!!!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

There's nothing like spending the night in a bowling alley.

You know what's really weird?

Logging into our PayPal account and seeing all your names.

It's like the back of our Grad Night t-shirts all over again.

If you haven't heard, we extended the deadline to Wednesday, so keep 'em coming!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're asking nicely.

Dear Everybody Who Has Said Something Like OMG A REUNION!?!? YAY! I CAN'T WAIT,

HURRY THE HECK UP and buy your tickets.


You have eleven short days left.

The how-to info is here:


The Committee

P.S. We just got our first non-committee-member following us on Twitter! That made our day!

Monday, March 30, 2009


With all the BLAH BLAH BLAH we've been doing about random stuff, the IMPORTANT stuff is getting buried.

Have questions about the who/what/where/when/why of our reunion?

Here's the link to the post that gives you all that info.

Have questions that aren't answered there?

E-mail us at .

Friday, March 27, 2009


Hellllloooooooooo Lions!

Maaaaan, we're slackery updaters lately, aren't we? But seriously, we're busy accepting PayPal payments from you guys all day long and it takes away from our blogging time.

Or maybe we're just slackers.

But hey! How about a list of people we're still trying to find?! We KNOW FOR A FACT that some of you are still in contact with some of these people so if you're not going to tell us how to contact them, we hope that you're at least keeping them updated. Or at least just telling them that the reunion exists.

We'll try very hard not to be butthurt that they don't want anything to do with us.

Back to the list:

Angelina Ignacio

George Kleidon

Colin Leeland

Norma Macias

Ramona Martin

Lourdes Rivera

Erin Sisti

Colin Yocum

If you know these people, we'd LOVE for you to tell them about the reunion. Double points for getting them to send us money.

Friday, March 20, 2009

We're joining the 21st century: Pay us via PayPal!

Things we DON'T have to do:

  • Find wheelbarrows to haul the FLOOD of checks that are arriving at Reunion Central.
  • Get paper cuts from opening BAJILLIONS of envelopes.
  • Get callouses on our fingers from pushing all those buttons on the ATM because we're making SO MANY deposits.

Seriously, you guys are freaking us out.

We have ONE MONTH before we have to cancel the whole darn thing and we're still or two heads short.

We know that some of you have conflicting vacation plans and some of you have conflicting work plans and some of you would rather avoid the whole shindig (gasp!), but what about the rest of you?


So, in the interest of making it as EASY AS POSSIBLE for you to cough up your hard earned dough and because we know how H-A-R-D it is to find checks and envelopes and stamps (oh my!) we've decided to accept payments via PayPal.


If you want the convenience of paying with PayPal then you have to cough up a little extra to cover the fees. A big TWO DOLLARS extra.

New Instructions:

Option A: Send us a check for $50 per person. More info HERE.

Option B: Send us $52 per person via PayPal. We're all signed up under so if that's your method of choice, you probably already know what to do, so GO FOR IT!

The payment deadline still hasn't changed!

We still need your money in our hot little hands by Monday, April 20th. That's just about ONE MONTH from now.


Each payment we receive is one less tear we'll cry each night.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Please find these people for us!

We've been slaaaaaackers lately, we know, but here are your WHERE THE HECK ARE THESE PEOPLE people for today:

Arleen Martinez

Cesar Rosales

Christina James

Dan Fink (We know Dan is on MySpace but we're having MySpace issues so if anyone is MySpace friends with him, will you send him a note about the reunion?)

Gabriel Lozano

Gordon Smith (We found him on MySpace too but MySpace thinks we're all spammers or something so if you're his friend, please point him in our direction!!!)

Martha Diaz

Michael Stotts

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Things that used to make us happy:
  • cupcakes
  • puppies
  • rainbows
  • getting e-mails from people sending us their contact information and/or their friends' contact information

Ahhh, the olden days.

Thank goodness for cupcakes, puppies and rainbows because we SURE AS HECK aren't getting very many e-mails anymore! We did start getting more and more blog hits though so that made up for the emptiness of our in-boxes (and our hearts...sniff...).


Caps lock?

Yes. But guess what else!


Forget about cupcakes and puppies and rainbows! We're getting cold, hard cash in the mail and it makes us HAPPY! (Except really, they're checks but "cold, hard checks" doesn't have the same ring to it.)

We still have a long way to go but we're tickled to report that we have reached the 10% mark...meaning, we've sold 10% of the tickets we need to sell in order for this reunion to become a reality. Sure, that 90% is kinda daunting but we're not going to let it get us down. We're glass-half-full people over here at Reunion Central.

You have 39 days to send your $50 per person to Sarah Woodside or Elizabeth Holt at this address:

LHS Reunion

1001 Villa Maria Court

San Jose, CA 95125

If you're late to the party, you can read ALL about the ticket process HERE. Ticket FAQs are HERE.

In summary:

  • $50 in 39 days
  • THANK YOU to everyone who already sent in their money! We're sending confirmation e-mails today so if you don't hear from us, tell us to shake the mailbox to see if any money comes out.
  • We love CAPS.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The trickle of new names is slowing down.

We're busy bees over here, what with all the reunion planning (and real life work) we're doing, so we'll get straight to the point. No more dilly-dally'ing. Today, anyway. We can't promise we'll ever actually be concise.

Here are the people we've been able to make some sort of contact with (even if they've ONLY viewed the event info on Classmates):

Yuriria A.

Leah A.

Maria A.

Juan A.

Cecilia B.

Gemma B.

Michele B.

Raquel B.

Philip B.

Kelly B.

Tamara B.

Cheryl B.

Erica C.

Chris C.

Megan C.

Stephanie D.

Robin D.

Sheila D.

Andrea D.

Amy D.

Joanne E.

Myra E.

Nicole F.

Amy F.

Mark F.

Najah F.

Stacy G.

Gracie G.

Raylene G.

Deyanira G.

Ben H.

Kate H.

Jim H.

Sarah H.

Elizabeth H.

Paul H.

Bernie H.

Alicia J.

Alison K.

Kerrie K.

Mirsada K.

Evan L.

Dayna L.

Chris L.

Jim M.

Nick M.

Olympia M.

Juan M.

Lana M.

Maria M.

Lindsay M.

Maria Mc.F.

Leslie M.

Angelica M.

Tracie M.

Isela M.

Elizabeth M.

Che M.

Cruz M.

Jeremy M.

Baharak N.

Alfred P.

Francisco P.

Sisto P.

Joseph P.

Daniel P.

Terri P.

Jessica P.

Claudine R.

Araceli R.

Sylvia R.

Christopher R.

Matty R.

Shawna R.

Albert R.

Elda R.

Heather S.

Lorena S.

Ruby S.

Sandra S.

Pharah S.

Pauline S.

Erin S.

Cassie S.

Ryan S.

Adam S.

Vanessa S.

Cristal T.

Jessica T.

Danny V.

Karina V.

Stephanie V.

Monica V.

Suzanne V.

Teresa W.

Ryan W.

Susan W.

Sarah W.

Martin W.

Tammy W.

Does anyone know how we can find these folks??

Ana Manzo

Calixtro Vizcarra

Chris Sabbatini

Erik Hively

Gaena Todd

Jimmy Paucar

Priscilla Sanchez


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Questions about the ticket buying process? You're in the right place!

Let us know if your questions aren't answered! You're probably not the only one so we'd love to know what we're missing!

So, like, I have to buy a ticket?


How much?

$50 per person.

What if I don't buy a ticket in advance? Can I just show up and pay at the door?

NO. We hate to be firm about it but we have to give a final headcount to the restaurant before the reunion and we can't afford to cover any unpaid no-shows.

But why is April 20th the deadline for buying my ticket? That's kinda early, isn't it?

Yes, it is, but we had to put down a deposit and if we don't cancel by a certain date, we lose our deposit...which is code for "Andrea, Cassie, Elizabeth and Sarah have to eat it." That still gives you nearly two months to locate your check book though, so hop to it!

Can I bring my husband/wife/partner/hot date?

Please do! The more the merrier! It's still $50 per person though.

Where do I send my money?

Make the check out to either Sarah Woodside or Elizabeth Holt (or both, if it makes you feel better) and mail it to:

LHS Reunion
1001 Villa Maria Court
San Jose, CA 95125

I don't know how I feel about sending you hoodlums money. How do I know this is legit?

No bones about it, we're asking you to trust us.

Why do I have to make the check out to Sarah or Elizabeth? Why not Cassie? Why not Andrea? Why not something more official sounding?

Sarah and Elizabeth are the two names on the bank account. We tried getting a business bank account so we could have the checks made out to the reunion itself, but that involved forming an LLC or something and blah blah blah, we aren't funded for that so we're going the cheap route.

Can I pay via Paypal?

No, sorry. There are transaction limits on free accounts and fees associated with upgraded accounts and it's just not a good option for us. If you know some way around this, let us know!

Seriously? You want me to go find my checkbook and send you money the old school way? For reals?

Yes. We know from personal experience how HARD it is to find exotic things like ENVELOPES and, *gasp*, STAMPS, but we're asking you to pretty please with sugar on top, make the effort.

YES! We need to cover the fees though so if PayPal is your poison, just send us $52 per person! Our account is linked to our e-mail address, so send, send away!!

What happens if the reunion gets cancelled?

The only way the reunion will be cancelled is if we don't sell enough tickets to meet our contractual obligations with the restaurant. We know this makes it kinda sticky for people who need to make travel arrangements but we'll let you know AS SOON as we meet our minimum...we need everyone to buy their tickets by April 20th anyway, so you'll still have two months to book your flights and/or your parents' guest rooms.

Go ahead! Knock our socks off! Send us your money TODAY! We dare you!

BUT, if the reunion DOES get cancelled, then we'll send your money back ASAP. We pinkie swear.

How many tickets do you need to sell?

We're hesitant to blab that because we don't want anyone to make any assumptions about whether or not they need to send in their money NOW NOW NOW or, you know, whenever they get around to it. Like, we don't want our reunion to get Chris Daughtry on American Idol Syndrome -- where everybody thinks everybody else is going to do it so they don't have to.

So anyway, it's a TOTALLY do-able number. Now send us your money. Please.

What do I get for my $50?

You'll get appetizers and one drink ticket at The Loft Bar & Bistro in downtown San Jose. We'll have a private room from 7-10PM but after that, the restaurant turns into a lounge with a DJ and a dance floor. You are welcome to stay and shake your groove thang or see if an after party spontaneously develops.

So there's no dinner?

In the interest of keeping the cost down so as many people as possible would come, no, we are not able to include dinner in the ticket price. The Loft is a restaurant though so if you wanted to make your own dinner reservations for the pre-reunion period, I'm sure that would be fine, but you'd be on your own for that.

I didn't graduate in 1994, but I'm a Lincoln teacher and/or a friend of the class of 1994. Can I come?

Sure thing! We know that plenty of teachers and people in higher or lower classes were tight with people in our class and we're more than happy to have them join is. All the regular ticket buying guidelines still apply.

And now a question for YOU:

What questions have we left unanswered? Please e-mail us at and we'll get right on it!

More FAQs here:

Okay here's the part where we try to squeeze blood from a rock.

If you've been following this blog or if you're on our EXCITING! ADVANCE! INFORMATION! E-MAIL! LIST! then you already know this but here's the OFFICIAL skinny on the Saturday night portion of our reunion:

WHO: Lincoln High School's Class of 1994 & their guests.

WHAT: 15th reunion! Tickets are $50 per person and will include an appetizer buffet and one drink ticket. We're hoping to add a few more perks but it all depends on whether we can sell enough tickets, so PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP send us your $50 EARLY!

WHERE: Loft Bar & Bistro at 90 S. 2nd Street in downtown San Jose. We'll have a private room for the first three hours but then the venue turns into a lounge/nightclub. We won't be kicked out or anything, but it will no longer be a private event.

WHEN: 7-10PM on Saturday, June 27th

WHY: Because it's been 15 years since most of us saw each other!


There are TWO reunion related events: The Saturday night cocktail party detailed above AND a picnic at the Rosegarden on Sunday. Sunday is a free event, though really, we're using the word "event" kinda loosely because it's BYOP (Bring Your Own Picnic) and it will be much more casual and low key. We totally want to meet your kids (and see what you look like in the daylight) and Saturday night's festivities will be for grown-ups only.

All the ticket purchase information that we're going to be blah blah blah'ing about will be for the cocktail party ONLY. We'll share more about the picnic part later.

So now that's been said, it's ticket buying time!

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

1. If we don't sell enough tickets, we can't have this event.

2. The deadline for getting your $50 into our hot little hands is Monday, April 20th.

1 + 2 =

3. If we don't sell enough tickets by Monday, April 20th, we can't have the reunion.

We'll be publishing the ticketing FAQ shortly, but if you want to cut to the chase and buy your ticket, here's how to do it:

Step One:

Write a check for $50 per person to Sarah Woodside or Elizabeth Holt -- both names are on the account so pick your poison.

Acceptable Payees:

Sarah Woodside
Elizabeth Holt
Sarah Woodside OR Elizabeth Holt
Sarah Woodside AND Elizabeth Holt

We hate to make it complicated, but we're trying to give you options...because, you know, maybe you think Elizabeth is going to run off with your money and buy hair products or something. She promises she won't though. And Woodside? She's your elected official...but don't let that sway you...she's 100% trustworthy.

(We're TOTALLY KIDDING here...neither of them would ever do anything with your money other than pay for reunion stuff.)

Step Two:

Mail it, along with your name (ladies, if you've changed your name, please tell us what your name USED to be too) and phone number or e-mail address (in case we have any questions) to:

LHS Reunion
1001 Villa Maria Court
San Jose, CA 95125

Attention Stalkers: This isn't Sarah OR Elizabeth's's the address of a different committee member entirely. Checks and balances and all...

Step Three:

Take a nap, read a book, bake us some cupcakes...whatever you like. We'll take care of the rest.


If you'd like to pay via PayPal you can! Just send $52 per person (the extra $2 is to cover the fees) to us at

That's it?

Pretty much! We'll contact you to let you know that you are officially good to go, but otherwise, we'll just look forward to seeing your smiling face at Loft Bar & Bistro in June!

So I'm not getting an actual ticket or anything?

No. Just check in with us when you get there. The registration area should be obvious. We think.

So I just show up?

Yep! Trust us. It'll be great. We're looking forward to it and we can't wait to see you all there!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

We'll find you, even if we have to scour the entire globe!

You know we love our GOLD STAR AWARD WINNERS, right? Because we totally do. We are very appreciative of their willingness to help us find people and we really couldn't do it without them.

We're proud to announce that Tamara B. and Mirsada K. have recently earned their Gold Stars. These ladies are in good company:

Maria A.
Gemma B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Ben H.
Mirsada K.*
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Lana M.
Shawna R.
Adam S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.

* = Way to stalk Myra E. all the way across the planet, Mirsada!

Here's the updated WHO WE HAVE list:

Yuriria A.
Leah A.
Maria A.
Cecilia B.
Gemma B.
Michele B.
Raquel B.
Philip B.
Kelly B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Chris C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Sheila D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Myra E.
Nicole F.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Najah F.
Stacy G.
Gracie G.
Raylene G.
Deyanira G.
Ben H.
Kate H.
Jim H.
Sarah H.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Bernie H.
Alicia J.
Alison K.
Kerrie K.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Chris L.
Jim M.
Olympia M.
Juan M.
Lana M.
Maria M.
Lindsay M.
Maria Mc.F.
Leslie M.
Angelica M.
Tracie M.
Isela M.
Elizabeth M.
Che M.
Cruz M.
Baharak N.
Alfred P.
Francisco P.
Sisto P.
Joseph P.
Daniel P.
Terri P.
Jessica P.
Claudine R.
Araceli R.
Sylvia R.
Christopher R.
Matty R.
Shawna R.
Albert R.
Elda R.
Heather S.
Lorena S.
Ruby S.
Sandra S.
Pharah S.
Pauline S.
Erin S.
Cassie S.
Ryan S.
Adam S.
Vanessa S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Danny V.
Karina V.
Stephanie V.
Monica V.
Suzanne V.
Ryan W.
Susan W.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.

And here's today's list of WHERE THE HECK ARE THEY??? people:

Adam Clouse

Carlos Bejarano

Elizabeth Phan

Heather Anderson

Jaymie Maltbie

Marcela De Jesus

Ofelia Resendiz

Santino Stagi

Please help us find these people!

Venue Announcement!

It's official!

We plunked down the deposit and signed the contract over the weekend and we are pleased to finally be able to announce that Lincoln High School's Class of 1994 Reunion will be held at Loft Bar & Bistro in downtown San Jose!

Loft Bar & Bistro
90 South 2nd Street
San Jose, CA 95113

Tickets will be $50 per person and will include an appetizer buffet and one drink ticket. We're working on a few extra details so BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY so we know whether or not we'll have the cold, hard cash to make the magic happen!

Ready to buy your tickets?


But keep your pants on, Lions. We're going to announce ticket details later this week, we promise. In the meantime, find a stamp, get your checkbooks out and scribble your pen around to get it going.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Nachos. Not really, but we're hungry.

Attention Ladies of the Class of 1994:

You're welcome.

For what?

For finding a stockpile of pictures from the Senior Luau and not posting them.

I mean, you probably looked better in a bathing suit then than you do now (not that we're haters or anything...but let's face're not 17 anymore), but HOLY COW we all had horrible taste in bathing suits.

We had no idea so many boring one-piece suits existed in the world. And for those of you who dared to rock the bikinis, those leg holes really couldn't be any higher.

You go, girl.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh were a fashion wasteland.

On the upside, I'll betcha if you looked at pictures of TODAY'S 17-year-olds in bathing suits they'd look like a bunch of hoochies. So good job with the age appropriate modesty ladies.

And yes, we know that makes us sound old.

Another thing that makes us sound old: We own crock pots.

How did that happen?

But shoot -- if we want to go old school and set up a nacho fundraiser (mmmm...cheese sauce and bulk tortilla chips) we'd be equipped.

So now you're all "Ummm, why am I wasting my valuable internet surfing time reading about ugly bathing suits and crock pots??? Is this our 15th reunion or our 50th??"

You're right, you're right. We'll do better next time, we promise.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lake Cheyfir

Today's lucky winners in the WHERE THE HECK ARE THEY lottery are:

Adriana Carbajal

Debbie Chacon

Jake Shafer

Lourdes Enciso

Maribel Sepulveda

Nicholas Mason

Sara Nosrati

Yvonne Duran

Our spelling is only as good as the spelling in the yearbook and graduation program so please let us know if you think we're looking for Jake Shafer when really we should be looking for Lake Cheyfir.

Or whatever.

And if you see your name listed up above and you're like OMG WHAT DID I WIN???? we're sorry to say that you didn't win anything...we're just looking for you because we want to tell you all of our secrets. And by "our secrets" we mean "reunion details."

And by the way, for all of you who left the area and are currently freezing your patooties off, we have to tell you that 50% of the reunion committee just enjoyed lunch outside in the sun. And maaaaaaybe also some ice cream. The ice cream won't help us look any better in our reunion dresses or anything, but the sunshine felt darn good.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Desperately Seeking Everybody

Here's your weekly WHO WE HAVE/WHO WE NEED update. Bolded names are new (and we don't really HAVE them, but we know they viewed the Classmates event thingy so if you are on this list and you haven't sent us your e-mail address or joined the Facebook group, you might not get notified of any updates!

Yuriria A.
Maria A.
Cecilia B.
Gemma B.
Michele B.
Raquel B.
Philip B.
Kelly B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Chris C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Sheila D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Nicole F.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Najah F.
Stacy G.
Gracie G.
Raylene G.
Deyanira G.
Ben H.
Kate H.
Jim H.
Sarah H.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Bernie H.
Alicia J.
Alison K.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Chris L.
Jim M.
Olympia M.
Juan M.
Lana M.
Maria M.
Lindsay M.
Maria Mc.F.
Leslie M.
Angelica M.
Tracie M.
Isela M.
Elizabeth M.
Che M.
Cruz M.
Baharak N.
Alfred P.
Francisco P.
Sisto P.
Joseph P.
Daniel P.
Terri P.
Jessica P.
Claudine R.
Araceli R.
Sylvia R.
Christopher R.
Matty R.
Shawna R.
Albert R.
Elda R.
Heather S.
Lorena S.
Ruby S.
Sandra S.
Pharah S.
Pauline S.
Erin S.
Cassie S.
Ryan S.
Adam S.
Vanessa S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Danny V.
Karina V.
Stephanie V.
Monica V.
Suzanne V.
Ryan W.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.

We haven't felt the warm glow of new e-mails in DAYS AND DAYS AND DAYS so if you've been holding out on us, STOP IT. In fact, some of you are gonna start getting DEMERITS.

There are too many people on the WE NEED list so every few days we're gonna post a selection of people so if one of them jogs your memory and you realize that OH YEAAAAAH! THAT PERSON IS ONE OF MY MYSPACE FRIENDS!!! then please do us all a favor and squeeze them for their e-mail addresses.

So here are today's featured Lions (including last names! OOOOHHHHHH!!!!):

Adriana Ruiz

Amy Drew

Enrique Herrera

Isaac Miranda

Kristina Fleming

Megan Clarke

Sarah Brundle

Takeshi Okimura

Anyone know where any of these folks are?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you haven't already heard...

It's true! We're having a reunion! The particulars haven't been announced yet, but we'll start blabbing as soon as everything is confirmed.

In the meantime:

1. The reunion will entail a cocktail party at a restaurant in downtown San Jose on Saturday, June 27th and a BYOP(icnic) at the Rosegarden on Sunday, June 28th.

2. Tickets for the cocktail party portion will be $50 per person, but the picnic will be free.

3. We'd LOVE your e-mail address. You'll find a similar plea in just about every post in this blog but it's so important that it's worth mentioning every five minutes.

3a. OUR e-mail address is:

4. More info will be announced soon, but let us know if you have any questions! We also have FAQs, so check those out too.



We didn't register for gifts and we weren't wearing white and there wasn't any cake involved, but Sarah and Elizabeth have a special announcement to make:

We opened a joint bank account and we are now financially obligated to each other.

For better or worse, richer or poorer.

WHY did we spend a Friday evening opening a bank account at the Wells Fargo in the grocery store? WHY did we give the 20-year-old teller (with a really darling attempt at a mustache) our social security numbers while listening to the soundtrack of the scanners and price checks in the background?

We did it for you, Lions. We did it for YOU.

You see, since we're not using an official reunion planning company, we needed to come up with a way to accept payment from you guys that felt OFFICIAL. We couldn't get a business bank account (Because did we mention? We're doing this on the cheap.) and we didn't want people to feel skeevy about sending money to people you haven't seen in 15 years and who could very well be organizing this whole thing as a scheme to steal your money.

I mean, we're totally not. I swear. Scout's honor. Except we were never Boy Scouts and I don't remember the Brownies having an honor-based hand gesture and my mom wouldn't let me graduate to Girl Scouts for some reason that, now that I think about it, isn't quite clear. But really, we're totally on the up-and-up.

(Ignore the crazy lady tangent -- someone has Girl Scout Cookies on the brain, it seems -- and let's get back to the business of making you feel good about sending us money.)

SO, in order to make you feel good about sending us money, we decided to put the entire reunion committee on the bank account. Except that child care and careers and bay area traffic and this and that made it so that only two of us could make it to the "bank." (Seriously, banks in grocery stores feel so unofficial...I'm not used to banking at the same place I buy tomatoes.)

But it's all for the best because now Sarah and Elizabeth are able to share the special bond of co-banking and when you send us money you can send it to one or the both of them and everyone will be happy.

If you're wondering if you missed the part about sending us money, don't haven't. We haven't announced anything yet, but when we DO, we want you to have some background on why the heck we're asking you to write your checks out to Sarah or Elizabeth.

And also to share the glory of opening a bank account at Safeway. It's kinda like VIP check-in in Vegas.

Except without the complimentary cocktails.

Coaxing them out of the woodwork.


We should be dentists with all the teeth we've pulled to grow this list.


Never mind. Let's get on with it.

Here's the list of people we have some sort of contact info for:

(And we're being pretty generous with our definition of "contact info" because we're including people who viewed the reunion event notification on's a stretch, I know, but it's like HERDING CATS, I swear.)

Maria A.
Cecilia B.
Gemma B.
Raquel B.
Philip B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Chris C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Sheila D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Nicole F.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Najah F.
Stacy G.
Gracie G.
Raylene G.
Deyanira G.
Ben H.
Kate H.
Jim H.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Alicia J.
Alison K.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Chris L.
Jim M.
Olympia M.
Lana M.
Maria M.
Lindsay M.
Maria Mc.F.
Leslie M.
Angelica M.
Tracie M.
Isela M.
Elizabeth M.
Che M.
Baharak N.
Alfred P.
Francisco P.
Daniel P.
Terri P.
Jessica P.
Claudine R.
Araceli R.
Sylvia R.
Christopher R.
Matty R.
Shawna R.
Albert R.
Elda R.
Heather S.
Ruby S.
Pharah S.
Pauline S.
Cassie S.
Ryan S.
Adam S.
Vanessa S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Danny V.
Stephanie V.
Monica V.
Suzanne V.
Ryan W.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.

New additions are bolded.


If you haven't sent us your contact info or you're not in the Facebook group then you are not completely in the loop!! We're not withholding any big, exciting secrets or anything, but if we come up with anything good you might miss it!

PUHHHHLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE send us your e-mail address! Our e-mail address is We'll respond by thinking good thoughts about what a team player you are AND we'll send you the most updated information.

Isn't that exciting?

And if the thought of e-mailing us takes you right back to 1994 and you're feeling angsty about that one time we spilled Sprite on your Esprit sweatshirt or that other time we messed up your bangs, we're really sorry.

Honest to goodness, each time we get a new e-mail from you guys we get SO EXCITED!

And you know what REALLY floats our boats?

Getting e-mails from people we didn't know that well in high school.

So even if you're like "Sarah Woodside, Cassie Seacrist, Andrea DeYoung and Elizabeth Holt? Who the heck are these chicks????" I can assure you that seeing your name in our in-box will make us stop what we're doing and IM each other to go OMG WE HAVE ANOTHER ONE! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!

We take it back.

Okay, we take back what we said about

Mayyyyyyyyyyyyybe it doesn't suck as much as we thought it did.

But we're still not trusting it so IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, PLEASE SEND US YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS SO WE CAN KEEP YOU IN THE LOOP! *Especially* if you found us via Classmates.

Pretty please with sugar on top.

Our e-mail address is:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 is NOT our BFF.

I can't even begin to tell you what a hassle the whole thing has become but if, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, you found this blog via a communication you received from, then HOLY COW, IT'S A MIRACLE.

No big updates to share or anything -- we just wanted to express our frustration and say that Classmates S-U-C-K-S. No duh, right? I mean shoot -- we've been marking their e-mails as spam for years and suddenly we expected them to be worthwhile?



We don't need no stinkin'

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Close, but no cigar.

Note to a member of the reunion committee who asked to remain nameless:

San Jose, California is not the same as San Jose, Costa Rica.

They're in the same hemisphere and all, but that might explain why none of the names has listed for Lincoln High School in San Jose, COSTA RICA sounded familiar.

I mean, I'm sure Randolph, Damaris and Edgard are LOVELY people and all, but you won't get any brownie points for getting their e-mail addresses.

But speaking of, if you've found this blog because we found you and e-mailed you via that site, WELCOME!!

Here's the skinny (because I think it's kinda buried down below stupid posts about putting your Gold Star Award status on your resume):

1. Reunion: June 27th & 28th. That's 2009. Make your travel plans now!

2. Send us your e-mail address:

3. Check out the FAQs!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Happy Hump Day, Lions!

Are you EAGERLY awaiting an updated list of names we've managed to collect?

We thought so. Wait no longer:

Maria A.
Cecilia B.
Gemma B.
Philip B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Chris C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Sheila D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Nicole F.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Najah F.
Stacy G.
Gracie G.
Raylene G.
Ben H.
Kate H.
Jim H.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Alicia J.
Alison K.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Chris L.
Lana M.
Lindsay M.
Leslie M.
Isela M.
Baharak N.
Alfred P.
Daniel P.
Terri P.
Jessica P.
Sylvia R.
Christopher R.
Matty R.
Shawna R.
Albert R.
Elda R.
Heather S.
Ruby S.
Pharah S.
Cassie S.
Ryan S.
Adam S.
Vanessa S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Danny V.
Monica V.
Suzanne V.
Ryan W.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.

I bolded the new additions, but you're all high school graduates so you could probably figure that out. Graduates of a California Distinguished School, even. Or whatever they call it.

Our PEOPLE WHO ARE AWESOME list continues to grow too:

Maria A.
Gemma B.
Cheryl B.
Ben H.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Lana M.
Shawna R.
Adam S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.

Gold stars for you all!

And okay, I should tell you that earning a GOLD STAR from us doesn't have a cash value, but if I told you it did, would more people send us more e-mail addresses??

You could put it on your resume or something: Gold Star Award Winner, 2009.

And then when prospective employers ask you what the heck it is you can tell them that it's prestigious honor awarded to 30-somethings for record keeping and cooperation. Which is totally true, btw.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Our new BFFs.

I didn't forget to update our list of GOLD STAR VIPs, but I wanted to give them their own post so they know how much we appreciate them for helping us out by sending us their friends' e-mail addresses!!

These people are awesome and you should probably buy them drinks the next time you see them (at the reunion, maybe??!!):

Maria A.
Gemma B.
Cheryl B.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Shawna R.
Adam S.
Jessica T.

Calling in the FBI and CIA!

Five days into the arm-twisting and our list has grown by leaps and bounds! We're still missing MOST of our classmates though so DON'T THINK WE'LL GO AWAY AND SHUT UP or anything, because we won't.

This is the weekend our Head E-mail Address Wrangler (titles are big around here) (not really) is digging her yearbook out of her parents' basement so she can divvy up the 175+ names we're missing and hand them over to the FBI. And by "FBI" I mean "FaceBook Investigators." And I totally just pulled that out of my ear so I know it sounds lame, OKAY? Seriously though, we're gonna call in the CIA: Computer Information ASSAULTERS.

Gawd. I should learn when to just zip it and get to the point. Especially since I'm not even sure "assaulters" is even a word.

But anyway, we're gonna start hitting the pavement (of the information super highway) shortly. The reunion is in 147 days and we're gonna spend some time continuing to squeeeeeeze information out of you before we start the daunting process of getting people to send us money.

So here's an updated list of the people we have contact info for. It looks super awesome and long because I included the people in the Facebook group even if they didn't send us their e-mail addresses and a couple who are e-mail-free but who have had friends volunteer to pass the info along.


Maria A.
Gemma B.
Philip B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Chris C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Sheila D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Nicole F.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Najah F.
Stacy G.
Raylene G.
Ben H.
Kate H.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Alison K.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Chris L.
Lindsay M.
Isela M.
Baharak N.
Alfred P.
Daniel P.
Terri P.
Jessica P.
Sylvia R.
Christopher R.
Matty R.
Shawna R.
Albert R.
Heather S.
Pharah S.
Cassie S.
Ryan S.
Adam S.
Vanessa S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Danny V.
Suzanne V.
Ryan W.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.


Everyone else. Please help!

E-mail us!

Send us e-mail addresses, questions, suggestions, notes to pass during gym class: Your call.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Double Trouble

Some of you are SO lucky.

How lucky?

SOOOOOOO lucky that you got our message begging for e-mail addresses TWICE.

Lucky you.

We promise we'll noodle on the best way to get the info out there without punishing you for handing over your e-mail addresses by e-mailing you directly AND via Facebook.

In the meantime, our hearts skip a beat each time we see new messages in the in-box, so keep those e-mails coming! We LOVE getting more e-mail addresses for our list, but we're also VERY happy to answer questions, take suggestions or otherwise hear from you all.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gold stars!

Gold stars to Jessica T., Adam S., Evan L. and Cheryl B. for opening up their address books and giving us some names and e-mail addresses!

These four people are the ONLY ones we're gonna take off our "Harass for E-mail Addresses" list so if the rest of you want peace and quiet, we'd suggest coughing up some names.

Go Lions!

Monday, January 26, 2009

FAQs, part 1

When is it?

There's a cocktail party on Saturday, June 27th and a picnic on Sunday, June 28th.


We're working with a restaurant and lounge in downtown San Jose but we don't want to announce the specifics until the ink on the contract is dry.

The picnic on Sunday will be at the Rosegarden. Haven't been there since graduation day? It's still there, don't worry.

How much?

$50 a person for the Saturday night festivities. Sunday is free, but you're also responsible for bringing your own...well...everything. Zanotto's is right down the street though and their sandwiches really ARE as good as you remember!

What do I get for my hard-earned $50? The economy sucks, you know.

Dude, we know. OH BOY, do we know. We don't want to spend a kajillion dollars for chips & dip and store brand soda either. We're trying to get you as much bang for your buck as possible so you'll get appetizers, a drink ticket AND the pleasure of everyone's company. Ask your friends how much THEIR high school reunions cost and you'll see that this is a value.

What if I don't drink?

It's still $50 a person.

What if I don't eat?

It's still $50 a person.

Can I bring my wife/husband/partner/hot date?

Yes, of course! We want to see who snagged ya! You'll need to buy a ticket for him/her though.

Can I bring my kids?

On Sunday? SURE! Bring them! Show them off! Let us see how cute they are! But Saturday? Ehhhh...probably not.

How can I stay updated on the reunion?

Remember how, back in the olden days, the most exciting thing we could do with these here computing machines was file sharing in the computer lab? Well WATCH OUT because we're all over the world wide web now!

1. You've already found our blog so ADD US TO YOUR BLOG READER!

2. We have a Facebook group:


3. Follow us on Twitter:

If you're gonna follow us on Twitter, you're probably savvy enough to follow the blog or the Facebook group too, but shoot...a little extra technology never hurt anyone. Mostly. So follow us!!!

4. Or, if you want to keep it simple, e-mail us and we'll add you to our distribution list:

It's better than being on the FBI's MOST WANTED list, that's for sure.

I was feeling pretty badass with my list of e-mail addresses that I'd collected for old classmates but then I did the math and figured out that my list of 28 names is just barely 10% of our graduating class and that earns us a big, fat F on our report cards.

Here's who we have:

Gemma B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Raylene G.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Isela M.
Daniel P.
Jessica P.
Christopher R.
Cassie S.
Adam S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Suzanne V.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.

Here's who we're looking for:


Can you help track down other members of Lincoln High School's Class of 1994?

E-mail us!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The original HOLY COW WE'RE HAVING A REUNION Facebook message:

Hi Everyone,

As you can tell from, duh, the creation of this Facebook group, we're actually planning on having a 15 year reunion this summer. I think it goes without saying that we were all shocked to hear that Joel Starr, our Senior Class President, has passed away, but if anything, Joel's death serves to remind us that we really can't let another year go by without getting everyone together and having a reunion. Lucky for us, our trusty Vice President, the lovely and talented Sarah Woodside, was willing to put some structure around the "We should have a reunion" conversation that would come up whenever we saw each other and all of a sudden, a committee was born.

Except you know what? When she went calling around and investigating reunion planning companies she found out that it's gonna cost a BAJILLION dollars and we'd end up with a no-host bar at the Doubletree or something equally glamorous. Sure, part of the cost goes to fancy "this is what I've been up to since high school" booklets and part of it goes to hunting down the 200+ people in our class, but at the end of the day, we'd rather put in a little elbow grease and make our reunion something that people will (hopefully!) actually enjoy.

So here's the skinny:

** Mark your calendars for June 27th & 28th. That's 2009, folks. If you've abandoned the 408, then make your travel plans. Book your flights. Reserve your parents' guest rooms (which were probably your own bedrooms back in the day). Do it.

** More logistical information will be announced early in 2009, but at this point, we're planning on a Saturday night cocktail party at a downtown San Jose venue and a family picnic day at the Rosegarden on Sunday.

** We're shooting to keep the cocktail party at around $50 a person, but the picnic will probably be a free BYOP(icnic). We know that we're all OLD and that bunches and bunches of you have kids (!!) and we want to give you an opportunity to show them off, so the picnic idea was hatched. For those of us without kids, the picnic will be a great way to get a good look at everyone in broad daylight...wrinkles and all.

WANT TO HELP???Great! We need it!

We were up late (on a school night!) with Sarah's yearbook, Cassie's computer and Elizabeth's MySpace account and only managed to uncover a fraction of our fellow Lions. We're allllllllll about the cyber stalking, but even our kickass Google-fu can't find *everyone*.

We need to get the word out, so please help us hunt down the class of 1994 and twist their arms into joining this group! In a perfect world, everyone would have a Facebook account and we could gather everyone up in this tidy little group and put blue and gold bows on them, but some people (*cough*Andrea*cough*) are still fighting technology, so if you know any non-Facebookers out there, pleasepleasePLEASE have them e-mail us at so we can keep track of them. Shoot...even if you ARE on Facebook but maybe aren't hip to the ins and outs (we aren't either, so don't feel bad) and don't want to miss any BREAKING NEWS, feel free to shoot us an e-mail and we'll add you to our list.

In summary: Reunion 6/27-6/28. Tell your friends. Help us find people. E-mail us if you want to. More to come.

GO LIONS!(BTW, did you hear? Lincoln won the Big Bone 57-0. Daaaaaang.)

Your Lincoln High School 15 Year Reunion Committee:

Sarah Woodside
Cassie Seacrist
Andrea (DeYoung) Bartlinski
Elizabeth Holt