Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I know you do!

Lucky for you, Andrea and Joanne are lovely people who have agreed to let me share their mad photography skills. We've been harrassing other people with pictures to let us post them here so this might not be the ONLY picture post but we'll see...



Wanna see it big?

Click HERE.

(Note: Depending on your browser settings, you might have to hover your mouse over it and click on the little box that appears in the lower right hand corner.)


Joanne? A ham? Who would have thought?

And psst...it's bigger HERE.

But okay now you're all looking at these and thinking that you're afraid to scroll down for fear that you'll encounter links to giant-sized pictures of your face after a couple of cocktails in 90 degree heat.

Am I right?

Don't worry Lions. I've got your back.

I'm sharing the life-sized versions of those because your heads were all so teeny small in the regular sized pictures...except for mine, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm self-centered and my eyeballs go STRAIGHT to myself or if I just have a really big head. Both are equally unflattering, but probably also true.

But blah blah blah. On to the candids!

Sarah W., Kate H., Ben H., Cassie S. and Michele B.:

Nicole F., Joanne E, & Najah F.:

Dayna L., Joanne E., Raylene G. & Elizabeth P.:

Joanne (and her mouth, which she'll tell you was a theme that ran throughout her pictures), Vanessa S. and Phillip B.:

Joanne, Andrea D., Cassie S. and Elizabeth H.:

Joanne, Danny V. and someone whose entire face didn't seem to make the cut:

Sarah H., Kelley J. and Vanessa S.:

So there you have it: Proof that we are reunited.

1 comment:

  1. I got the shaft! I have been emailing for over a month BEFORE this reunion and NO one contacted me until it was over. You guys treated me like crap when I went there and again 10 years later. I wanted to see old friends, the ones that actually DIDN'T bully me, but maybe those are ones planning this thing. Oh well...thanks again.
    Adrienne H. Class of 1994
