Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I know you do!

Lucky for you, Andrea and Joanne are lovely people who have agreed to let me share their mad photography skills. We've been harrassing other people with pictures to let us post them here so this might not be the ONLY picture post but we'll see...



Wanna see it big?

Click HERE.

(Note: Depending on your browser settings, you might have to hover your mouse over it and click on the little box that appears in the lower right hand corner.)


Joanne? A ham? Who would have thought?

And psst...it's bigger HERE.

But okay now you're all looking at these and thinking that you're afraid to scroll down for fear that you'll encounter links to giant-sized pictures of your face after a couple of cocktails in 90 degree heat.

Am I right?

Don't worry Lions. I've got your back.

I'm sharing the life-sized versions of those because your heads were all so teeny small in the regular sized pictures...except for mine, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm self-centered and my eyeballs go STRAIGHT to myself or if I just have a really big head. Both are equally unflattering, but probably also true.

But blah blah blah. On to the candids!

Sarah W., Kate H., Ben H., Cassie S. and Michele B.:

Nicole F., Joanne E, & Najah F.:

Dayna L., Joanne E., Raylene G. & Elizabeth P.:

Joanne (and her mouth, which she'll tell you was a theme that ran throughout her pictures), Vanessa S. and Phillip B.:

Joanne, Andrea D., Cassie S. and Elizabeth H.:

Joanne, Danny V. and someone whose entire face didn't seem to make the cut:

Sarah H., Kelley J. and Vanessa S.:

So there you have it: Proof that we are reunited.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Well that wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.

I'm speaking for myself here but:

1. I'll take it a step beyond "less painful than expected" and say that it was actually 100 times better than I'd hoped. The best part is that I don't even think that's just in my own head -- I think the "I really wasn't expecting this to be as great as it was but I am SO GLAD I went!" sentiment is shared by many.

2. Everyone looked REALLY GOOD. Like polished, grown-up versions of their teenage selves.

3. Being in a room with all these familiar faces seemed soooo normal but also soooo surreal.

4. Maybe the people with the funny looking kids skipped the picnic but let me tell you: Lincoln grads make some adorable kids.

5. There was a bachelorette party being held at the same restaurant on Saturday night but we put them to shame. Granted, it looked like the most boring bachelorette party in history, but really, we had a great time.

The bottom line:

I'm glad we didn't have a 5 or 10 year reunion. I'm glad we waited until we all had the easy confidence of being in our thirties and that it was less of a "let me show you how great I'm doing" display and more of a "I'm doing well, I'm happy in my skin, I'm happy to be here and I'm genuinely happy to see you" kind of weekend.

There's a picture post coming tomorrow so WATCH OUT!

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's time ALREADY?

If you've already bought your tickets to Saturday night's cocktail party, then here's the quick and dirty info:

7-10PM on the upstairs patio at:

Loft Bar & Bistro
90 S. Second Street (near San Fernando)



There are several lots in the vicinity, including some with $3 parking after 6PM (look for the orange ones on the map):


If you have not already purchased a ticket to the cocktail party but you still want to get your reunion on, then the picnic on Sunday is the event for you!

More info here:


Friday, June 19, 2009

Ready, set, GO!!

Here it is, folks -- the FINAL final list of Lincoln classmates who will be attending the Saturday night festivities. Word on the street is that a gaggle of '95 folks plan to crash the Sunday picnic so come one, come all and let's make it a mid-90's extravaganza!

Jessica T.
Joanne E.
Phillip B.
Stephanie D.
Chris L.
Amy F.
Alison K.
Gemma B.
Kelley J.
Ryan W.
Najah F.
Jessica P.
Mirsada K.
Lindsay M.
Robin D.
Amy S.
Tracie M.
Sarah H.
Raylene G.
Christopher R.
Cristal T.
Dayna L.
Andrea D.
Elizabeth H.
Cassie S.
Sarah W.
Cheryl B.
Kate H.
Michele B.
Ben H.
Erica C.
Evan L.
Danny V.
Nicole F.
Elizabeth P.
Jeremy M.
Katy J. '95!
Andy S. '93!
Dan F.

We're PLEASED AS PUNCH to have all these names on our list and we can't wait to see you all.


OMG what should I wear?

Girl, we don't know either. Flannel and Birkenstocks would be very retro of you but if you haven't looked back on those pictures lately, pssst -- flannel and Birkenstocks? Not particularly flattering.

Unless you're still wearing that uniform in 2009, in which case, YOU LOOK GREAT!

No, seriously -- what should I wear?

We'd say "It's a cocktail party -- dress accordingly" but when we say that our minds go back to the scene in Pretty Woman where Vivian goes shopping for a cocktail dress to wear for her fancy dinner with the ship building people and ends up with something fancy that -- and this part is totally true -- our next door neighbor copied and wore to her prom in 1993.

Basically, what we're saying here is that A) we shouldn't base our reunion ensembles on fash-uns from Julia Roberts movies from the early 1990's and B) we don't really know what you should wear, but if it helps, there are some LBDs* in our future.

*LDB = Little Black Dresses, duh.

Wear what you want. Wear what makes you feel good.

OOH OOH OOH! Wear your Convertibles outfit!! We will TOTALLY buy you a drink if you have the nerve to show up in that sparkly baby blue leotard with the side-of-the-head-hat-like-thing!!!!!


But enough about all that.

You all officially have ONE WEEK to get yourselves to The Loft.

Ready, set, GO!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The *almost* final RSVP list!

Okay Lions here's the latest and greatest RSVP list:

Jessica T.
Joanne E.
Phillip B.
Stephanie D.
Chris L.
Amy F.
Alison K.
Gemma B.
Kelley J.
Ryan W.
Najah F.
Jessica P.
Mirsada K.
Lindsay M.
Robin D.
Amy S.
Tracie M.
Sarah H.
Raylene G.
Christopher R.
Cristal T.
Dayna L.
Andrea D.
Elizabeth H.
Cassie S.
Sarah W.
Cheryl B.
Kate H.
Michele B.
Ben H.
Erica C.
Evan L.
Danny V.
Nicole F.
Elizabeth P.
Jeremy M.

Your BFFs have until the end of today to buy their tickets so this list won't be final until midnight tonight! Or, realistically, first thing tomorrow morning when we check our e-mail for any post-bedtime stragglers and then etch the final list in stone.

We're excited to see so many of you in A WEEK!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Come enjoy nature with us. It's good for you.

We feel bad for the picnic. It's being so easy and well-behaved compared to its twin the cocktail party that we keep forgetting to give it the attention it deserves.

Poor picnic.

When it starts acting out to get our attention we sure will be sorry.

Don't worry picnic, we love you JUST AS MUCH as we love the cocktail party, we swear. We'll buy you a car on your 16th birthday just to prove it.

Ever loving mind: LOST!

Back to the matter at hand: THE PICNIC!

Bring your kids!
Bring your own food!
Bring your own drinks!
Bring your own everything!

Show up at the Rose Garden at 11AM (we'll get there early to stake out a spot -- we're thinking we'll shoot for the picnic tables on the Naglee side) and enjoy some quality time with your fellow Lions.

We've heard from multiple Lions who can't make the Saturday night festivities but who are planning to come to the picnic, so please be sure to be there!

A few notes:

1. Alcohol is not permitted at the Rose Garden but...uh...if you don't blab that there's whiskey in our coffee we won't blab that there's rum in your Diet Coke. Hair of the dog and all...

2. Speaking of dogs, they're not allowed at the Rose Garden either and since they're not as easy to hide, we'd recommend you leave Fido at home.

3. Don't let the BYO-Everything thing deter you! There are plenty of nearby places to grab-and-go your lunch:

Zanotto's is riiiiight up (down?) Naglee at Bascom.

There's a Togo's on The Alameda and Race Street.

There's a Chipotle on The Alameda and Morrison.

Calvin's Cheesesteaks has reopened on The Alameda and Shasta -- just a few doors down from the old location.

Falafel Drive In is still there too -- on Stevens Creek near Bascom.


You won't starve.

So come and not starve with us!

And if you still have Saturday night's mascara smudged under your eyes, we won't judge.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

By Popular Demand!

We've had a few requests to dish the dirt on who has already purchased tickets to the reunion so without further adieu, here are the Lions you can look forward to seeing on June 27th -- BUT ONLY IF YOU BUY YOUR TICKETS BY JUNE 18th.

We're yellers, we know, but it's important.

Anyway, here you go:
(Updated June 14th!)

Jessica T.
Joanne E.
Phillip B.
Stephanie D.
Chris L.
Amy F.
Alison K.
Gemma B.
Kelley J.
Ryan W.
Najah F.
Jessica P.
Mirsada K.
Lindsay M.
Robin D.
Amy S.
Tracie M.
Sarah H.
Raylene G.
Christopher R.
Cristal T.
Dayna L.
Andrea D.
Elizabeth H.
Cassie S.
Sarah W.
Cheryl B.
Kate H.

Plus an assortment of husbands/wives/girlfriends/boyfriends/partners/hot dates/etc. But don't worry -- plenty of us are flying solo so you won't be the only one without a dance partner when Careless Whisper comes on.

Except that A) there won't be dancing and B) Careless Whisper is a bit before our time anyway so don't worry about it.

A few important notes:

1. We used maiden names for the ladies so if, say, Andrea were to be all "WHO THE HECK IS ANDREA D??"" I'd be all "THE CHICK WITH THE WHITE SATIN A'S JACKET, THAT'S WHO!"

More with the yelling.

2. We've personally heard from other people who say that they're gonna buy tickets but just haven't made the magic happen yet. Jeremy M., Nicole F., Ben H., WE'RE LOOKING AT YOU.

3. We discovered that for some reason Reunion Central's mailman was lacking school spirit and wasn't delivering mail addressed to LHS Reunion so, psst, if you got your check returned you might want to just send it to Andrea Bartlinski (aka The Artist Formerly Known as Andrea DeYoung) at the same address just for good measure. A whole gang of checks made their way to Reunion Central without a problem so we dunno what the problem was there.

3a. Hey Andrea, I just said your married and maiden names on the WWW! I'll let you know how many Stalky McStalkersons search for you and find this site!

4. Attn Sheila D.: "I can't go because I'm pregnant" is not an acceptable excuse! At least THREE of the ladies on the RSVP list also have buns in the oven so you'll be in good company!

5. If your BFF 4 --> isn't on the list then please twist some arms for us!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ticket Purchase Deadline: LOOMING

Maaaaaaaan, we suck.

We beg you for money for weeks and weeks and then you finally cough it up and POOF! We disappear.

(OMG we just yawned all big like in our cube and we didn't cover our mouth and someone just walked past and saw the bad manners in action. Our mother would be SO disappointed in us.)

So yeah, we're slackers. And we're tired, it seems.

Maybe we're just storing up the energy so we're ready to PARTAAAY in 25 days!!!

Twenty five days? For reals?


That's not enough time to get rich and good looking so we can show up and be all HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?

Oh well...there's still plenty of time to make up stories about having had invented Post-Its. Except that I guess since Post-Its were already invented when we were in high school we should come up with something a little less conspicuously false.

It does occur to us that just because WE'D have to lie about being super smart inventors, that doesn't mean that Lincoln didn't produce some brainiacs and it's totally possssssssible that a fellow Lion invented hybrid automotive technology or iPhones or the George Foreman Grill. If you did, we promise to believe you.

Just please don't try to lay claim to the Snuggie...that thing is a pop culture static cling nightmare. We'd guess, anyway...we wouldn't be caught dead buying two for $19.99 at Walgreens.

BUT BLAH BLAH BLAH...none of this is the point of our slow-in-coming blog update.

Here's the point:

As of today, you have 16 more days to buy your tickets to the reunion!

Ticket purchase info is linked here but if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at lincolnlions1994@gmail.com