Friday, June 19, 2009

Ready, set, GO!!

Here it is, folks -- the FINAL final list of Lincoln classmates who will be attending the Saturday night festivities. Word on the street is that a gaggle of '95 folks plan to crash the Sunday picnic so come one, come all and let's make it a mid-90's extravaganza!

Jessica T.
Joanne E.
Phillip B.
Stephanie D.
Chris L.
Amy F.
Alison K.
Gemma B.
Kelley J.
Ryan W.
Najah F.
Jessica P.
Mirsada K.
Lindsay M.
Robin D.
Amy S.
Tracie M.
Sarah H.
Raylene G.
Christopher R.
Cristal T.
Dayna L.
Andrea D.
Elizabeth H.
Cassie S.
Sarah W.
Cheryl B.
Kate H.
Michele B.
Ben H.
Erica C.
Evan L.
Danny V.
Nicole F.
Elizabeth P.
Jeremy M.
Katy J. '95!
Andy S. '93!
Dan F.

We're PLEASED AS PUNCH to have all these names on our list and we can't wait to see you all.


OMG what should I wear?

Girl, we don't know either. Flannel and Birkenstocks would be very retro of you but if you haven't looked back on those pictures lately, pssst -- flannel and Birkenstocks? Not particularly flattering.

Unless you're still wearing that uniform in 2009, in which case, YOU LOOK GREAT!

No, seriously -- what should I wear?

We'd say "It's a cocktail party -- dress accordingly" but when we say that our minds go back to the scene in Pretty Woman where Vivian goes shopping for a cocktail dress to wear for her fancy dinner with the ship building people and ends up with something fancy that -- and this part is totally true -- our next door neighbor copied and wore to her prom in 1993.

Basically, what we're saying here is that A) we shouldn't base our reunion ensembles on fash-uns from Julia Roberts movies from the early 1990's and B) we don't really know what you should wear, but if it helps, there are some LBDs* in our future.

*LDB = Little Black Dresses, duh.

Wear what you want. Wear what makes you feel good.

OOH OOH OOH! Wear your Convertibles outfit!! We will TOTALLY buy you a drink if you have the nerve to show up in that sparkly baby blue leotard with the side-of-the-head-hat-like-thing!!!!!


But enough about all that.

You all officially have ONE WEEK to get yourselves to The Loft.

Ready, set, GO!

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