Monday, January 26, 2009

FAQs, part 1

When is it?

There's a cocktail party on Saturday, June 27th and a picnic on Sunday, June 28th.


We're working with a restaurant and lounge in downtown San Jose but we don't want to announce the specifics until the ink on the contract is dry.

The picnic on Sunday will be at the Rosegarden. Haven't been there since graduation day? It's still there, don't worry.

How much?

$50 a person for the Saturday night festivities. Sunday is free, but you're also responsible for bringing your own...well...everything. Zanotto's is right down the street though and their sandwiches really ARE as good as you remember!

What do I get for my hard-earned $50? The economy sucks, you know.

Dude, we know. OH BOY, do we know. We don't want to spend a kajillion dollars for chips & dip and store brand soda either. We're trying to get you as much bang for your buck as possible so you'll get appetizers, a drink ticket AND the pleasure of everyone's company. Ask your friends how much THEIR high school reunions cost and you'll see that this is a value.

What if I don't drink?

It's still $50 a person.

What if I don't eat?

It's still $50 a person.

Can I bring my wife/husband/partner/hot date?

Yes, of course! We want to see who snagged ya! You'll need to buy a ticket for him/her though.

Can I bring my kids?

On Sunday? SURE! Bring them! Show them off! Let us see how cute they are! But Saturday? Ehhhh...probably not.

How can I stay updated on the reunion?

Remember how, back in the olden days, the most exciting thing we could do with these here computing machines was file sharing in the computer lab? Well WATCH OUT because we're all over the world wide web now!

1. You've already found our blog so ADD US TO YOUR BLOG READER!

2. We have a Facebook group:


3. Follow us on Twitter:

If you're gonna follow us on Twitter, you're probably savvy enough to follow the blog or the Facebook group too, but shoot...a little extra technology never hurt anyone. Mostly. So follow us!!!

4. Or, if you want to keep it simple, e-mail us and we'll add you to our distribution list:

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