Monday, January 12, 2009

The original HOLY COW WE'RE HAVING A REUNION Facebook message:

Hi Everyone,

As you can tell from, duh, the creation of this Facebook group, we're actually planning on having a 15 year reunion this summer. I think it goes without saying that we were all shocked to hear that Joel Starr, our Senior Class President, has passed away, but if anything, Joel's death serves to remind us that we really can't let another year go by without getting everyone together and having a reunion. Lucky for us, our trusty Vice President, the lovely and talented Sarah Woodside, was willing to put some structure around the "We should have a reunion" conversation that would come up whenever we saw each other and all of a sudden, a committee was born.

Except you know what? When she went calling around and investigating reunion planning companies she found out that it's gonna cost a BAJILLION dollars and we'd end up with a no-host bar at the Doubletree or something equally glamorous. Sure, part of the cost goes to fancy "this is what I've been up to since high school" booklets and part of it goes to hunting down the 200+ people in our class, but at the end of the day, we'd rather put in a little elbow grease and make our reunion something that people will (hopefully!) actually enjoy.

So here's the skinny:

** Mark your calendars for June 27th & 28th. That's 2009, folks. If you've abandoned the 408, then make your travel plans. Book your flights. Reserve your parents' guest rooms (which were probably your own bedrooms back in the day). Do it.

** More logistical information will be announced early in 2009, but at this point, we're planning on a Saturday night cocktail party at a downtown San Jose venue and a family picnic day at the Rosegarden on Sunday.

** We're shooting to keep the cocktail party at around $50 a person, but the picnic will probably be a free BYOP(icnic). We know that we're all OLD and that bunches and bunches of you have kids (!!) and we want to give you an opportunity to show them off, so the picnic idea was hatched. For those of us without kids, the picnic will be a great way to get a good look at everyone in broad daylight...wrinkles and all.

WANT TO HELP???Great! We need it!

We were up late (on a school night!) with Sarah's yearbook, Cassie's computer and Elizabeth's MySpace account and only managed to uncover a fraction of our fellow Lions. We're allllllllll about the cyber stalking, but even our kickass Google-fu can't find *everyone*.

We need to get the word out, so please help us hunt down the class of 1994 and twist their arms into joining this group! In a perfect world, everyone would have a Facebook account and we could gather everyone up in this tidy little group and put blue and gold bows on them, but some people (*cough*Andrea*cough*) are still fighting technology, so if you know any non-Facebookers out there, pleasepleasePLEASE have them e-mail us at so we can keep track of them. Shoot...even if you ARE on Facebook but maybe aren't hip to the ins and outs (we aren't either, so don't feel bad) and don't want to miss any BREAKING NEWS, feel free to shoot us an e-mail and we'll add you to our list.

In summary: Reunion 6/27-6/28. Tell your friends. Help us find people. E-mail us if you want to. More to come.

GO LIONS!(BTW, did you hear? Lincoln won the Big Bone 57-0. Daaaaaang.)

Your Lincoln High School 15 Year Reunion Committee:

Sarah Woodside
Cassie Seacrist
Andrea (DeYoung) Bartlinski
Elizabeth Holt

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