Monday, February 23, 2009

Venue Announcement!

It's official!

We plunked down the deposit and signed the contract over the weekend and we are pleased to finally be able to announce that Lincoln High School's Class of 1994 Reunion will be held at Loft Bar & Bistro in downtown San Jose!

Loft Bar & Bistro
90 South 2nd Street
San Jose, CA 95113

Tickets will be $50 per person and will include an appetizer buffet and one drink ticket. We're working on a few extra details so BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY so we know whether or not we'll have the cold, hard cash to make the magic happen!

Ready to buy your tickets?


But keep your pants on, Lions. We're going to announce ticket details later this week, we promise. In the meantime, find a stamp, get your checkbooks out and scribble your pen around to get it going.

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