Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Coaxing them out of the woodwork.


We should be dentists with all the teeth we've pulled to grow this list.


Never mind. Let's get on with it.

Here's the list of people we have some sort of contact info for:

(And we're being pretty generous with our definition of "contact info" because we're including people who viewed the reunion event notification on's a stretch, I know, but it's like HERDING CATS, I swear.)

Maria A.
Cecilia B.
Gemma B.
Raquel B.
Philip B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Chris C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Sheila D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Nicole F.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Najah F.
Stacy G.
Gracie G.
Raylene G.
Deyanira G.
Ben H.
Kate H.
Jim H.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Alicia J.
Alison K.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Chris L.
Jim M.
Olympia M.
Lana M.
Maria M.
Lindsay M.
Maria Mc.F.
Leslie M.
Angelica M.
Tracie M.
Isela M.
Elizabeth M.
Che M.
Baharak N.
Alfred P.
Francisco P.
Daniel P.
Terri P.
Jessica P.
Claudine R.
Araceli R.
Sylvia R.
Christopher R.
Matty R.
Shawna R.
Albert R.
Elda R.
Heather S.
Ruby S.
Pharah S.
Pauline S.
Cassie S.
Ryan S.
Adam S.
Vanessa S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Danny V.
Stephanie V.
Monica V.
Suzanne V.
Ryan W.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.

New additions are bolded.


If you haven't sent us your contact info or you're not in the Facebook group then you are not completely in the loop!! We're not withholding any big, exciting secrets or anything, but if we come up with anything good you might miss it!

PUHHHHLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE send us your e-mail address! Our e-mail address is We'll respond by thinking good thoughts about what a team player you are AND we'll send you the most updated information.

Isn't that exciting?

And if the thought of e-mailing us takes you right back to 1994 and you're feeling angsty about that one time we spilled Sprite on your Esprit sweatshirt or that other time we messed up your bangs, we're really sorry.

Honest to goodness, each time we get a new e-mail from you guys we get SO EXCITED!

And you know what REALLY floats our boats?

Getting e-mails from people we didn't know that well in high school.

So even if you're like "Sarah Woodside, Cassie Seacrist, Andrea DeYoung and Elizabeth Holt? Who the heck are these chicks????" I can assure you that seeing your name in our in-box will make us stop what we're doing and IM each other to go OMG WE HAVE ANOTHER ONE! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!

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