Thursday, February 26, 2009

Okay here's the part where we try to squeeze blood from a rock.

If you've been following this blog or if you're on our EXCITING! ADVANCE! INFORMATION! E-MAIL! LIST! then you already know this but here's the OFFICIAL skinny on the Saturday night portion of our reunion:

WHO: Lincoln High School's Class of 1994 & their guests.

WHAT: 15th reunion! Tickets are $50 per person and will include an appetizer buffet and one drink ticket. We're hoping to add a few more perks but it all depends on whether we can sell enough tickets, so PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP send us your $50 EARLY!

WHERE: Loft Bar & Bistro at 90 S. 2nd Street in downtown San Jose. We'll have a private room for the first three hours but then the venue turns into a lounge/nightclub. We won't be kicked out or anything, but it will no longer be a private event.

WHEN: 7-10PM on Saturday, June 27th

WHY: Because it's been 15 years since most of us saw each other!


There are TWO reunion related events: The Saturday night cocktail party detailed above AND a picnic at the Rosegarden on Sunday. Sunday is a free event, though really, we're using the word "event" kinda loosely because it's BYOP (Bring Your Own Picnic) and it will be much more casual and low key. We totally want to meet your kids (and see what you look like in the daylight) and Saturday night's festivities will be for grown-ups only.

All the ticket purchase information that we're going to be blah blah blah'ing about will be for the cocktail party ONLY. We'll share more about the picnic part later.

So now that's been said, it's ticket buying time!

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

1. If we don't sell enough tickets, we can't have this event.

2. The deadline for getting your $50 into our hot little hands is Monday, April 20th.

1 + 2 =

3. If we don't sell enough tickets by Monday, April 20th, we can't have the reunion.

We'll be publishing the ticketing FAQ shortly, but if you want to cut to the chase and buy your ticket, here's how to do it:

Step One:

Write a check for $50 per person to Sarah Woodside or Elizabeth Holt -- both names are on the account so pick your poison.

Acceptable Payees:

Sarah Woodside
Elizabeth Holt
Sarah Woodside OR Elizabeth Holt
Sarah Woodside AND Elizabeth Holt

We hate to make it complicated, but we're trying to give you options...because, you know, maybe you think Elizabeth is going to run off with your money and buy hair products or something. She promises she won't though. And Woodside? She's your elected official...but don't let that sway you...she's 100% trustworthy.

(We're TOTALLY KIDDING here...neither of them would ever do anything with your money other than pay for reunion stuff.)

Step Two:

Mail it, along with your name (ladies, if you've changed your name, please tell us what your name USED to be too) and phone number or e-mail address (in case we have any questions) to:

LHS Reunion
1001 Villa Maria Court
San Jose, CA 95125

Attention Stalkers: This isn't Sarah OR Elizabeth's's the address of a different committee member entirely. Checks and balances and all...

Step Three:

Take a nap, read a book, bake us some cupcakes...whatever you like. We'll take care of the rest.


If you'd like to pay via PayPal you can! Just send $52 per person (the extra $2 is to cover the fees) to us at

That's it?

Pretty much! We'll contact you to let you know that you are officially good to go, but otherwise, we'll just look forward to seeing your smiling face at Loft Bar & Bistro in June!

So I'm not getting an actual ticket or anything?

No. Just check in with us when you get there. The registration area should be obvious. We think.

So I just show up?

Yep! Trust us. It'll be great. We're looking forward to it and we can't wait to see you all there!!

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