Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you haven't already heard...

It's true! We're having a reunion! The particulars haven't been announced yet, but we'll start blabbing as soon as everything is confirmed.

In the meantime:

1. The reunion will entail a cocktail party at a restaurant in downtown San Jose on Saturday, June 27th and a BYOP(icnic) at the Rosegarden on Sunday, June 28th.

2. Tickets for the cocktail party portion will be $50 per person, but the picnic will be free.

3. We'd LOVE your e-mail address. You'll find a similar plea in just about every post in this blog but it's so important that it's worth mentioning every five minutes.

3a. OUR e-mail address is:

4. More info will be announced soon, but let us know if you have any questions! We also have FAQs, so check those out too.


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