Friday, March 20, 2009

We're joining the 21st century: Pay us via PayPal!

Things we DON'T have to do:

  • Find wheelbarrows to haul the FLOOD of checks that are arriving at Reunion Central.
  • Get paper cuts from opening BAJILLIONS of envelopes.
  • Get callouses on our fingers from pushing all those buttons on the ATM because we're making SO MANY deposits.

Seriously, you guys are freaking us out.

We have ONE MONTH before we have to cancel the whole darn thing and we're still or two heads short.

We know that some of you have conflicting vacation plans and some of you have conflicting work plans and some of you would rather avoid the whole shindig (gasp!), but what about the rest of you?


So, in the interest of making it as EASY AS POSSIBLE for you to cough up your hard earned dough and because we know how H-A-R-D it is to find checks and envelopes and stamps (oh my!) we've decided to accept payments via PayPal.


If you want the convenience of paying with PayPal then you have to cough up a little extra to cover the fees. A big TWO DOLLARS extra.

New Instructions:

Option A: Send us a check for $50 per person. More info HERE.

Option B: Send us $52 per person via PayPal. We're all signed up under so if that's your method of choice, you probably already know what to do, so GO FOR IT!

The payment deadline still hasn't changed!

We still need your money in our hot little hands by Monday, April 20th. That's just about ONE MONTH from now.


Each payment we receive is one less tear we'll cry each night.


  1. Weeeeee.... What time is the picnic? I am trying to book my plane tickets. Thanks!

  2. As smart as I am - I don't wanna brag but my IQ is in the triple digits - I don't completely know what I'm supposed to do with the PayPal thing. I THINK we're supposed to choose "send money" and then enter "" and the amount of $52.00. If this is right, it seems really easy.

    If that's not right, please correct me. Nicely - my ego is easily bruised.

  3. @Chris: Don't you worry, Mr. Lightbody -- You are smart, good looking, kind to small animals, you help old ladies across the street and 100% correct re: the PayPal procedure.

  4. Yay! I bought my ticket via paypal!
