Friday, March 27, 2009


Hellllloooooooooo Lions!

Maaaaan, we're slackery updaters lately, aren't we? But seriously, we're busy accepting PayPal payments from you guys all day long and it takes away from our blogging time.

Or maybe we're just slackers.

But hey! How about a list of people we're still trying to find?! We KNOW FOR A FACT that some of you are still in contact with some of these people so if you're not going to tell us how to contact them, we hope that you're at least keeping them updated. Or at least just telling them that the reunion exists.

We'll try very hard not to be butthurt that they don't want anything to do with us.

Back to the list:

Angelina Ignacio

George Kleidon

Colin Leeland

Norma Macias

Ramona Martin

Lourdes Rivera

Erin Sisti

Colin Yocum

If you know these people, we'd LOVE for you to tell them about the reunion. Double points for getting them to send us money.

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