Friday, January 30, 2009

Calling in the FBI and CIA!

Five days into the arm-twisting and our list has grown by leaps and bounds! We're still missing MOST of our classmates though so DON'T THINK WE'LL GO AWAY AND SHUT UP or anything, because we won't.

This is the weekend our Head E-mail Address Wrangler (titles are big around here) (not really) is digging her yearbook out of her parents' basement so she can divvy up the 175+ names we're missing and hand them over to the FBI. And by "FBI" I mean "FaceBook Investigators." And I totally just pulled that out of my ear so I know it sounds lame, OKAY? Seriously though, we're gonna call in the CIA: Computer Information ASSAULTERS.

Gawd. I should learn when to just zip it and get to the point. Especially since I'm not even sure "assaulters" is even a word.

But anyway, we're gonna start hitting the pavement (of the information super highway) shortly. The reunion is in 147 days and we're gonna spend some time continuing to squeeeeeeze information out of you before we start the daunting process of getting people to send us money.

So here's an updated list of the people we have contact info for. It looks super awesome and long because I included the people in the Facebook group even if they didn't send us their e-mail addresses and a couple who are e-mail-free but who have had friends volunteer to pass the info along.


Maria A.
Gemma B.
Philip B.
Tamara B.
Cheryl B.
Erica C.
Chris C.
Megan C.
Stephanie D.
Robin D.
Sheila D.
Andrea D.
Joanne E.
Nicole F.
Amy F.
Mark F.
Najah F.
Stacy G.
Raylene G.
Ben H.
Kate H.
Elizabeth H.
Paul H.
Alison K.
Mirsada K.
Evan L.
Dayna L.
Chris L.
Lindsay M.
Isela M.
Baharak N.
Alfred P.
Daniel P.
Terri P.
Jessica P.
Sylvia R.
Christopher R.
Matty R.
Shawna R.
Albert R.
Heather S.
Pharah S.
Cassie S.
Ryan S.
Adam S.
Vanessa S.
Cristal T.
Jessica T.
Danny V.
Suzanne V.
Ryan W.
Sarah W.
Tammy W.


Everyone else. Please help!

E-mail us!

Send us e-mail addresses, questions, suggestions, notes to pass during gym class: Your call.

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